CCCI created the CCCI Bantayan Chapter covering the 3 Municipalities of Sta.Fe, Madridejos and Bantayan, in the island of Bantayan
CCCI spearheaded the agreement building with Chambers in Region VII and Government on the Coordinating Roads and Infrastructure Investment for Development (CR+ID) Project with the Asia Foundation under the Coalitions for change Program of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Australian Embassy in Manila.
CCCI became a member of Cebu Provincial Investment Board, Infrastructure Committee and Cebu Provincial Development Council and an ex-Development Council
CCCI forged Sister Chamber Agreement with Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Sabah Branch, Malaysia on September 18, 2014.
CCCI launched the Cebu Found Counsultancy Group under the OURFood Program Optimizing & Upscaling Roles in the Food Supply Chain
CCCI entered into a joint project supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) together with BKU/AFOS, DEG, DIHK/German, GIZ, Sparkassentiftung, sequa, RDH and the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry regarding Dualized Vocational Education and Training in the context of the K to 12 Reform in the Philippines for which CCCI organized TVET clusters in food manufacturing, construction and tourism industries.