The Chamber Growth (CGrowth) focuses on increasing the membership base of the Chamber, engaging members in various programs and initiatives of CCCI and the Chamber movement, securing leaders and champions for various initiatives, creating and developing chamber chapters in Cebu’s countryside, developing incentive strategies and programs, conferring recognition and awards to exemplary businessmen and companies, managing Corporate Social Response (CSR) activities in adherence to the ISO 9001:2015 QMS. Thus, it fosters interrelationships among all members in various fields of trade and commerce, service, industry and agriculture sectors of the local economy, it engages partners in the public-private sector, domestic and international in the pursuit of the Chamber movement’s goals and objectives.

Cebu Chamber establishes various opportunities for members to step up their ladder of engagement.

Membership Growth

The strengthened synergy and collaboration within various stakeholders and between businesses paved the way why more companies are enticed to sign up as members of Cebu’s biggest and oldest business membership organization.








General Membership Meetings (GMMs) – conducted quarterly- are held to create an assembly for the exchange of knowledge, business models in actions and contacts. This endeavor tends to inform members and keeps them updated about status of thrusts, programs, projects, and agreements. Also, it gives them an opportunity for networking to promote and present their products and services to a wide range of probable clients in the province and region. Participants include Cebu’s businessmen/ entrepreneurs, associations, government partners, NGOs and the media.


To foster camaraderie among CCCI members and to promote teamwork within a company, CCCI organizes semi – annual sports activities such as golf and bowling tournaments. Many members look forward to fellowship activities where they can unwind after a hectic day. CCCI perceived that fellowship and camaraderie are keys to a thriving chamber.


CCCI revitalized its Meet and Greet to provide avenue for members of similar interests to meet and network, to expand knowledge and professionalism, to align oneself with organizations or business entities where there is a natural synergy and most importantly, to level off expectations as members (duties and rights) to the chamber, to its fellow members and to the business community.


The Chamber believed that the chamber movement can be of greater relevance to members with locally-based chapters who, by their own compulsion, can eventually spinoff to become separate chambers when their organization is ready. Hence, the chapter formation began, based on demand versus need of the area and readiness of its business community. Coaching, mentoring and hand-holding is currently the mode with the current chapters.

Cebu Grand Chamber Awards & Fellowship Night

In recognition of the outstanding entrepreneurs with invaluable contribution to the growth and economic development of Cebu, the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) annually holds the Grand Chamber Awards (GCA) and Fellowship Night that serves as a culminating activity of the month-long celebration of the Cebu Business Month in June.

The GCA and Fellowship Night annually recognizes exemplary Cebuano individuals, entrepreneurs, and families who have contributed excellent performance in their fields of business and applied ethical practices that reflect the ideal example of a Cebuano entrepreneur.