The Finance & Admin Services (FAS) focuses on the needs of the members of CCCI in judicious management of financial resources, properties and facilities, human resources, inventories and records. This includes revenue generation from membership dues, rentals, registration fees and return from investment. Furthermore, it facilitates review and updating of policies and procedures with respect to fund management, sponsorships, grants and investments.
Custody, recording and maintenance of the Chamber’s financial resources and records.
Custody and recording of Special projects’ financial resources and records.
Human Resource
Creation of the Human Resources Development Department which is aligned to CCCI’s “Thrust No. 4: An enhanced organizational capability of the leadership team driven by shared values, vision, passion and collaboration”, and in compliance with the ISO Audit recommendation.
Recruitment, screening and hiring of required staff for chamber operations and special projects.
Assessed the extent of services of suppliers and providers (i.e, security and manpower), coordinated with Barangay, LGU and Cebu City the realization of the Commerce and Industry Streets drainage improvement project;
Extension of Administrative support services to Operating Divisions
Building and Assets Maintenance