Home 9 Chamber Beat 9 Israel Water Technologies Roadshow and Israel-Cebu Water Tech Forum: Opening doors for promising innovations to support water stewardship agenda

Israel Water Technologies Roadshow and Israel-Cebu Water Tech Forum: Opening doors for promising innovations to support water stewardship agenda

A Business delegation from Israel met with 60 local Cebuano-based water stakeholders including companies during the Israel-Cebu Water Tech Roadshow and Forum on November 16 (Wednesday), at Seda Hotel ebloc, IT Park, Cebu City.

Honorary Consul Emily B. Chioson welcomed the delegates and participants to the forum following the opening message of CCCI President Charles Kenneth Co. Counselor Tomer Heyvi, Head of the Israel Economic Mission to the Philippines shared with the group how Israel’s rapidly growing population outpaced the supply and natural replenishment of potable water since 2015, that the gap between demand and available natural water supplies reached 1 billion cubic meters and counting. Hence, Israeli firms are heavily investing in water supply and sanitation infrastructure and facilities as a vital contribution to their country’s economic survival and growth.

L-R: Mr. Tomer Heyvi, Head of the Israel Economic Mission to the Philippines; Consul Emily Chioson, Honorary Consul of Israel to Cebu; and CCCI President Charles Kenneth Co.

Facilitated by Cebu’s biggest business membership organization, the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry warmly welcomed the visit and organized a B2B meeting with Cebu water companies as a way of continuing the created innovation bridges with Israel and the Philippines. Through these engagements, we are constantly reminded of the many opportunities of discovering expert and time-proven solutions to address water supply and wastewater management problems and key innovations from the Israeli Water Sector which serve as a springboard for new and tested ideas.

Among the delegates, Environmental Solutions highlighted that sustaining the future through an innovative design in the last four (4) decades underscores the importance of investing a superiority quality equipment that would ensure the supply of safe water for consumption and how cheaper electricity can aid as a solution to reduce water cost.

Meanwhile, Okiana, a private end-to-end water treatment solution expert presented how the desalination process can address water scarcity and utilize sea water as an alternative water source for farming and industrial requirements; however, its cost is directly impacted by the cost of its power supply which must therefore be a key consideration. Moreover, Watergen presented a rare innovative technology where drinking water can be produced from air or humidity. These are among the companies which introduced various technologies for water safety and sanitation. Of note are their successful attempts to lower their carbon footprint, innovation design and minimize chemical consumption awhile undertaking diverse biological processes including wastewater reuse.

As the country’s 34th trading partner, being the 39th export market and 31st import source, Israel supports the Philippines’ alignment with its water stewardship agenda to generate promising innovations, support improvements, and promote the scale-up of these innovations’ applications.

To know more about CCCI events, one may call the CCCI Secretariat at (63 32) 232-1421, and email at info@cebuchamber.org, or visit any of the social media accounts: www.cebuchamber.org and http://fb.com/cebuchamber.org