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Revolutionizing Industry Know-How: CCCI’s GMP Training Spurs Innovation

The Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) concluded its two-day comprehensive Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) training at the CCCI Chambre Centre last September 27-28, 2023. The training aimed to equip participants with the essential knowledge and practical skills required to maintain the highest standards in the food production industry. 

The GMP training program, led by esteemed speaker Josefina Andrada Catacutan of the Cebu Business Food Consultancy (CFCG), was a crucial step in CCCI’s ongoing mission to empower industries with the knowledge and tools needed to enhance business production, promoting efficiency and competitiveness.

The training also provided an immersive experience for participants as they actively engaged in activities designed to test their ability and skills in responding to real production challenges. Through practical application, participants were able to assess responses based on different situations. 

In addition to GMP, CCCI also provides training programs Industrial Calibration, Food Safety Management System, and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Training (HACCP) for the food sector and a 10-module training on Tax and Accounting Clinicquing, These programs are tailored to address the diverse needs of the business community and bolster their capabilities.

As a business organization with a thriving membership base of over 800 members, CCCI remains steadfast in its commitment to “Connecting Opportunities. Growing Businesses. Creating Values.” The organization continues to serve as a driving force for economic progress and prosperity in the region.

For more information about CCCI’s upcoming training sessions and to register, please get in touch with Karen Joy Autor at 09996111506 (karen@cebuchamber.org) or Tanya Arnie Uy at 09065022657 (tanya@cebuchamber.org).